Facts about wild bears

What does the bear eat?

bear animals

bear animals

Bears and bears are mammal predators, living all over the world, and they belong to the family of bears, these animals meet only in the mating season.

What does the bear eat?

Bears eat everything they reach, including fruits, nuts, plant leaves and insects, and bears like to eat leftover food, fish, meat and other things, which mountain-goers and nature lovers leave behind, and honey is food that a bear cannot resist.

Facts about bears

  • Black bears can, in emergency situations, run at a speed of 50 km per hour, and can also climb trees to escape danger.
  • Bears are usually aversion animals, but some species of black bears in the United States invade garbage heaps in search of leftover delicacies that people throw away.
  • Polar bears can be up to 2.5 m long, from head to tail.

In the year 1902, US President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a small bear, which gained wide popularity, and the toy bear became known as a teddy bear, (Teddy: shoots out of love at the name of Theodore).

Baby bears exploring their surroundings

These two little bears are in their fourth month of life, they have begun to explore around them, but they still depend on their mother for food, and they will leave the house when they are two years old.

bear language

Bears communicate with their body movements, as well as with a rumble and a murmur, in a direct stare as a warning, and in lowering their head in preparation to attack.

bears dance

Bears, of all kinds, can stand on their hind legs and walk, and the Asian black bear, has the ability to stand balanced on two legs, close to human ability, this has tempted, unfortunately, some people to capture young bears and train them to dance to show them in circuses and roam Its to make money.

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